Medical Transcription Washington, DC

Doctors have enough stress on their plates dealing with sick patients and staff that do not always cooperate, so why should billing be another hassle for them at the end of their day? Finding a medical billing specialist is hard enough without the added competition of the job market, high salary demands for experience, and the inevitable loss of a great employee when you need them the most.

Physician Billing Services in Washington DCFor many doctors, the time and effort it takes to cultivate a good billing staff feels torturous, and for this reason, Medical Revenue Associates provides the best outsourced medical billing services available in the entire country.  A trusted name in this industry since 1997 with staff that have been on board since the company was founded; MRA offers collection rates averaging 98% for “clean” claims while national averages are only 85-90%.

MRA delivers both results and professionalism, working with your staff and dealing with your patients and insurance contacts as if they were working directly for you. To see what MRA can offer for your practice, please contact MRA at (not .com)